Monday, October 3, 2011

2nd Recent Event

Title of Article: An Angry Bird in the Sky: Lambda Centauri Nebula
Author: Science Daily
Source: Web-
Date: Sep. 21, 2011

 A new image from the wide field manager om the MPG/ESO 2.2 meter telescope reveals a new Nebula; Lambada Centauri! A cloud with glowing hydrogen and new stars. This nebula is also named as the ''Running Chicken'' nebula. This star is 6500 light years away from earth which is 
That is very far away from earth! And we could still see it! The nebula is red showing us radiation and that it is a new nebula.

I think that this article was really cool because it shows us there is much more potential  for another planet if we ever need one. I also think this information is reliable because it is from Science Daily. I chose this article because the title was really interesting. I think that the most important fact here is that our universe s still expanding and growing. I think this connects to matter because there is so many atoms and molecules, also chemical reactions cause new nebula's and other things to be what they are now.


  1. Good job! You've picked a very interesting article. It's amazing how they find stars and planets every now and then!

  2. I like how you used the calculator to show how many kilometers equal the light years in your article. The text is a little bit small and was kind of hard to read, but you did include the important ideas from the article. How cool that we can use a telescope to look deeper into our night sky!
