Thursday, September 22, 2011

Science Recent Events

Scientists Play Ping-Pong With Single Electrons

Authors:R. P. G. McNeil, M. Kataoka, C. J. B. Ford, C. H. W. Barnes, D. Anderson, G. A. C. Jones, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie
Source: Web-
Date: Sep. 22, 2011

Researchers reported that single electrons have a 'memory'. So what they try to say is this: Your at a party with your friends, and you need to say something to the person on the other side. However while your going to them you greet other friends or ask people to move which makes you forget what you were going to say. So the same things happens with single electrons, they route is not straight; it's zig-zag so when they reach their destination they can't input the correct information which they say is why your computer crashes when you open too much things at the same time.

This sort of talks about ''Elliot'' when he rides his bike too fast and wobbly, he will crash. This could help people because they can learn how to use computers correctly and wisely. I chose this article because it sounded interesting that a electron can play ''ping- pong''. I was searching for science sites on the internet and I saw a new post by science daily so I decided to read it. I think it came for a very reliable resource because it says Cambridge scientists studied this and tested it. I learnt that things that we cannot see have their own movements too, just that we can't see them! I kind of agree and disagree because the electron doesn't really play ''ping-pong' it just moves while bumping everywhere! I feel that I have learnt a very small fraction to movements of atoms and other things like that but I still think it is very informative!

Citation: University of Cambridge. "Scientists play ping-pong with single electrons." ScienceDaily, 22 Sep. 2011. Web. 26 Sep. 2011.


  1. Nice Article!!!
    Scientists like to play ping-pong!

    Ivan M. 6B

  2. Oguz, you've done a nice job with your current event and met the expectations. To improve even further you can try to make your writing more descriptive by using more adjectives. For example you could say, "Cambridge's intelligent scientists...". Keep up the good work!
