Friday, March 9, 2012

Soil Bacterium Helps Kill Cancers

Title Of Article: Soil Bacterium Helps Kill Cancers
Author: Caroline Parkinson
Source: Web
Date: 5 of September, 2011 (Updated recently in Thursday March 8th, 00:58 GMT)

A bacterium found in soil can be the main factor of curing cancer. This enzyme triggers the drug to activate and then the drug can do its job by curing the cancer. The specialty of this enzyme is that it can work anywhere, so it doesn't need oxygen to stay alive, this could be the center of tumors where there is no oxygen. A type of drug which can cure cancer is only activated when it this enzyme is injected into the body.

This article connects to the cells unit we are studying by how certain viruses/cells can kill other cells. This is a great news for the society and especially ones who has cancer because they now know that there is a bigger chance of their disease being cured. I found this article when looking online for cures of cancer. This came from a extremely reliable source which is BBC and this is an official site that has and official sponsor. I learned that a certain enzyme triggers a drug that cures cancer and now curing cancer is a step closer! I felt happy watching this because all the innocent people that died of cancer and those that are dying wont have to see this happening to the younger youths.


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