Monday, November 14, 2011

Using Light, Researchers Convert 2-D Patterns Into 3-D Objects

Title of Article: 
Author: Science Daily
Source: Web-(MLA citation) North Carolina State University. "Using light, researchers convert 2-D patterns into 3-D objects." ScienceDaily, 10 Nov. 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.
Date of Article Written: Nov. 10, 2011

Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered  a new way of packaging without anything physically touching it. You simply get a stressed thin plastic sheet, then print bold black lines on it, and finally when you put it under a lamp since the printed ink absorbs more heat it starts to tighten and folds in. If the black bold lines are printed correctly the plastic sheet will make a 3D shape. "This is a novel application of existing materials, and has potential for rapid, high-volume manufacturing processes or packaging applications," says Dr. Michael Dickey. This could mean a huge step forward for companies because they can package there products faster and for cheaper prices. Dickey also states that "You can also pattern the lines on either side of the material, which causes the hinges to fold in different directions. This allows you to create more complex structures." This is also important because we can basically make any shape we wan't out of this making it even more useful for its cheap price. 

This article connects to the unit we are studying because they physically change the plastic and give it a new shape. This could be good for the society because it would help people who are working and also we would waster less electricity and companies would have better trade. I chose this article because it can be a evolution for shipment and packaging goods rapidly and maybe one day there will be electronic equipments that build themselves slowly because of this idea. I found this article when I was browsing through Science Daily web page and I bumped across this one. Science Daily is the worlds most reliable resource for science because it doesn't have opinions in it and always sites who they interviewed and etc. I learnt that we could make shapes by materials that absorb more heat on materials that absorb less heat and I can even do it at home! While reading this I felt curious because we still didn't figure out some simple things and I made connections about the content where I have seen material do that.


  1. AWSOME!!!!! Great current event!!! I like how you connected it with the study unit!!!! :))))))
