Monday, October 31, 2011

Recent Event 5

Title of Article: Human Brains Are Made of the Same Stuff, Despite DNA Differences
Author: Science Daily Team
Source: Web-NIH/National Institute of Mental Health. "Human brains are made of the same stuff, despite DNA differences." ScienceDaily, 26 Oct. 2011. Web. 31 Oct. 2011.
Date of Article: 26 Oct. 2011

Studies form the National Institute of Health has recently shown that every humans brain is made of the same things in the exact same molecular architecture. "Having at our fingertips detailed information about when and where specific gene products are expressed in the brain brings new hope for understanding how this process can go awry in schizophrenia, autism and other brain disorders," said NIMH Director Thomas R. Insel, M.D. This is the most important part of the discovery because it can maybe save millions of life's or even possibly make our learning better. Down below is a picture and there you can see the shape of breains from difrent races and kinds of people. This kind of information might also reveal illnesses before hand or even possibly show the date of birth because of development speed.
    This might connect to the unit we are studying because it about molecules and maybe those molecules are combined chemically or physically. This article and information that has just been unrelieved is very good for the society because if they have any kind of brain disorder doctors know how to heal it. Also it might help people to see what kind of brain disorders they might have before hand because of the growth rate of certain parts. I chose this article because it sounded very interesting to me that all humans have 1 thing in common which is the shape of the brain. I learnt that the all the human brains have the same molecular structure and the only difference occurs on different races of people which is a very small difference. While reading this article I thought about how we can use this to maybe design special brains on baby's and then plant it in them.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Herschel Finds Oceans of Water in Disk of Nearby Star

Title: Herschel Finds Oceans of Water in Disk of Nearby Star
Author: Whitney Clavin
Source: Web- 
Whitney Clavin 818-354-4673 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,

Trent Perrotto 202-358-0321
NASA Headquarters, Washington


Scientists found warm water vapor around the disk of a young star. This was a very important discovery because it is evidence that there is water in liquid form in cooler areas of space. "Our observations of this cold vapor indicate enough water exists in the disk to fill thousands of Earth oceans," stated astronomer Michiel Hogerheijde. This could be very important to us because if we ever have to leave earth due to global warming, this planet can be a welcoming site for us because water has very vital things to the human body.  The only problem however, is getting there. With the star being 175 light years away from earth it will take us a long time to get there.

This article connects to our unit because we are studying physical/chemical changes and the water vapor here has been through some chemical change for it to be vapor. This is very welcoming news to the society because we have finally discovered what we had been longing for, plausible life out of the solar system. I chose this article because it seemed fairly interesting and important and I thought that I could learn a lot from it. This article came from the most reliable source I can think of because it is NASA and NASA is basically the worlds leading space group. I think this article was very important because it proved humans we still have a lot more to learn about the universe and we still have to observe more things, not even the earth has been fully studied!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Threatning Events

Title of Article: Astrophysics and Extinctions: News About Planet-Threatening Events
Author: (Not given) Geological Society of America. "Astrophysics and extinctions: News about planet-threatening events." ScienceDaily, 7 Oct. 2011. Web. 8 Oct. 2011.
Source: Web
Date: Oct. 7, 2011

This article talks about the risks Earth is recently taking. Black Holes in the Milky Way are colliding causing extremely lethal gamma ray blasts. However we are very fortunate to not be showered by these. Also it tells us recently a lot of stars have blown up causing  meteor showers. They predict a meteor crashed to sun causing it to blow up. This article takes place in space and talks about stars and Black Holes. The article was written by the Science Daily Team but the Author is Anonymous. In the picture below you can see a Black Hole eating a neutron star. 
In my opinion this article is very informative because it keeps us updated with recent things in the Galaxy.I chose this article because it sounded really interesting to me. This article is from a reliable source because it is very detailed and sounds like it is written from a expert. This article makes me feel depressed because it shows things in our galaxy are slowly dying out. I think this article can  have bad effects on society because it might scare them that we could be attacked by a meteor shower!

Monday, October 3, 2011

2nd Recent Event

Title of Article: An Angry Bird in the Sky: Lambda Centauri Nebula
Author: Science Daily
Source: Web-
Date: Sep. 21, 2011

 A new image from the wide field manager om the MPG/ESO 2.2 meter telescope reveals a new Nebula; Lambada Centauri! A cloud with glowing hydrogen and new stars. This nebula is also named as the ''Running Chicken'' nebula. This star is 6500 light years away from earth which is 
That is very far away from earth! And we could still see it! The nebula is red showing us radiation and that it is a new nebula.

I think that this article was really cool because it shows us there is much more potential  for another planet if we ever need one. I also think this information is reliable because it is from Science Daily. I chose this article because the title was really interesting. I think that the most important fact here is that our universe s still expanding and growing. I think this connects to matter because there is so many atoms and molecules, also chemical reactions cause new nebula's and other things to be what they are now.